The Association of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AOGD) invites Abstract submissions for the 46th Annual Conference 2024 to be held at India Habitat Centre from 22nd – 24th November 2024. Abstracts can be submitted under various categories, as detailed here under-

  • High Risk Pregnancy

  • Endoscopy

  • Population Stabilization

  • Gynaecologic Oncology

  • Miscellaneous

Instructions for Abstract
  • Paper/posters should be on the above categories

  • The abstract must be in English with not more than 250 words (excluding title, author details and institutional affiliations).

  • Abstract should be typed in Times New Roman font in size 12 in bold, with single line vertical spacing and one line between paragraphs

  • Title must be in capital letters with font size 12. It should be short and concise.

  • Name of the all authors should follow immediately under the title in one line. Underline and bold the presenter’s name. Do not include degrees or professional designations

  • Presenting author will be the first author & should be a member of AOGD and registered for conference.

  • The name of the institution, city and country should be in lower case following immediately after the authors, on a different line.

  • Abstract should be structured under following headings:

  • For Free Paper

    For Case Report Presentation





    Aims & Objectives

    Case Description

    Material & Methods



    References (maximum 5 references)


  • Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Use special or unusual abbreviation in brackets after the full word, the first time it appears.

  • Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.

  • Do not use tables, graphs, pictures/images and references in the abstract.

  • Abstract indicating “data will be presented” or “results will be discussed” will not be accepted.

  • Organizing committee reserves the right to reject or accept any abstract or presentation.

Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • Last date for abstract submission is 15th October 2024.

  • To submit the abstract log in to and click on “CONFERENCE” & follow instructions as directed or log in directly to . Read Abstract Guidelines carefully.

  • Oral presentation will be in word PPT format & Poster will be displayed as e-poster.

  • The presenting author (listed as the first author) must be registered for the conference.

  • The presenting author should ensure all co-authors are aware of the contents and agree with the submission of the abstract for the conference. Only the first author will be considered as the presenting author.

  • The presenting author should be a member of the AOGD at the time of submission of written paper/abstract.

  • The following should be included in the abstract:

  • The name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work is attributed, should be mentioned.

  • Disclaimers, if any.

  • Presenting author: The name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the presenting author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript are required.

  • Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these.

  • All case reports will be accepted as E-posters.

  • Abstracts will be reviewed and rated by the organising committee prior to final decision on acceptance.

  • The organising committee reserves the right to select abstracts relevant to the scientific programme and decide the final form of presentation (Oral or e-Poster).

  • Acceptance letter to the authors will be sent by email by 15th November, 2024. If the presenter does not receive communication by 15th November 2024, kindly send mail at

Specification For E-Poster Presentations
  • Orientation: landscape layout 16x9 and save it as a PDF file

  • 1 page only

  • Font types: Times New Roman

  • Font size >12

  • Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and embedded videos are not permitted

  • Images and tables: at least 200 dpi. Good picture quality is essential.

  • When inserting images, photos, tables etc. use copy paste. Do not use embedded documents.

  • Avoid overlapping objects/ layers.

  • Only the final view will be considered.

Presenting Author Details
Please select an option.
Please provide your first name.
Please provide your last name.
Please provide a valid Email Address.
Please provide your Mobile Number.
Please provide your Institution.
Please provide your Designation.
Please provide your city.
Please provide your state.
Please provide your Country.
Please provide your Country.

Co-Authors Detail (If Applicable) (Max:8)

Abstract Details
Please select an option.
Please select an option.
Please provide a valid Title.
Abstract must be in English with not more than 250 words
This field is required.
This field is required.
250 Words Remaining